Wave Hill Station is steeped in history and has been a working cattle property for over 150 years. The farm was previously the southern boundary for the famous Yulgilbar Station which was at the time owned by Edward Ogilvie.
Later the property was purchased by Clarence River pioneers the Smalls until the present day owners forbears bought the 9000 hectares over 75 years ago.
The property is adjacent to the Great Eastern Escarpment and lays at the foothills of the Gondwana Rainforest Region in Northern NSW.
Australia’s longest flowing coastal waterway, the Clarence River, borders the entire property where over its lifetime has carved spectacular mountain ranges, pockets of rainforest, grazing land and woodlands.
There are numerous natural features to the property. The pristine environment, remote location, flora and fauna and the State Heritage listed Clarence River Gorge, which was recently featured in the ABC TV program, ‘Back Roads’ offers the Australian landscape at its very best.